
September 2011 Started to work for the Media Institute Fojo in Kalmar, Sweden, organizing courses and seminars for professional journalists.

Jon Beaupre, professor at California State Universtiy in Los Angeles, reads and corrects my English script on Afghanistan. 

Feb 22 Discussing the perception of Peace Journalism at lecture with masterstudents in Gobal Journalism at Örebro Universtity.

Feb 8 Lecture for masterstudents in Global Journalism on Media practises and copyright issues.

Jan 28 In charge of political debate on local economy arranged by Örebro Promotion.


Nina Hjelmgren enjoys writing reports. Along her journalistic career, she has written reports on sensitive subjects that have attracted a lot of attention..

The Örebro Journalism Programme, omvärldsanalys 2009

Input from the media sector/industry
(På engelska)
Base for application to start international journalism programme. For Örebro University, Media & communication 2009.

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En gemensam historia – en gemensam framtid

Hur kan story-telling bli en del av Örebroregionens utvecklingsarbete? (På svenska)
An idea on the need to update the story about the region of Örebro.
For Regionförbundet Örebro 2009

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Evaluation of DVB – Democratic Voice of Burma (In English)

Evaluation of radio-station run by opposition broadcasting from Norway to Burma.
For the Olof Palme International Center 1998

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Arvika efter Kevin

(In Swedish) An account of activities and experience in a small town after a child has been killed by children.
For the city of Arvika kommun 2000

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Kevin-fallet(In Swedish)

An account of the police work solving a murder case in which children were involved.
For the regional Police in the county of Värmland 1999 - 2000

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